The Kent InterDisciplinary Support (KIDS) Team is a children’s mental health service that is funded through the Ministry of Children, Community and Social Services and the Ministry of Health. Our primary role is to link individuals and families with appropriate local resources to assist children and youth who may be experiencing emotional or behavioral difficulties. Our assistance can be particularly useful if the complex needs of an individual require a response from multiple service providers. In that situation, KIDS Team can help to coordinate access to the necessary supports. When all Chatham-Kent resources have been exhausted, KIDS Team is the local access mechanism to CPRI and Vanier Children’s Wellness in London, and other live-in treatment facilities outside of Chatham-Kent.
In fulfilling its role, KIDS Team staff work collaboratively with other service providers to develop and monitor a comprehensive community service plan that has been designed to meet the identified needs of the child or youth. Also, if there is a need to augment existing ministry-funded services with additional supports, KIDS Team has access to a limited amount of provincial funding that can be utilized to purchase these resources. However, it should be noted that there are restrictions governing how these funds can used. To be specific, they must be allocated to the provision of services that are oriented toward maintaining the child or youth within the family home.
For more information about KIDS Team and the referral/service coordination assistance we can provide, please feel free to contact us directly. Your inquiries are appreciated. We look forward to helping families in Chatham-Kent get connected with the services they need.
If you would like to speak to the KIDS Team Coordinator, please call 519-354-6221 x.235